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Every Person By Name

Aerial view of campus showing tree canopy

In the summer of 2022, Agnes Scott College received a grant from the Mellon Foundation to support the Acknowledging Our Past: Acting Now for A Transformed Future project. Part of this project is to collect and archive stories from our community. This virtual campus tour is our way of sharing the stories we have collected. Since this work is evolving, this map will be updated as the project progresses.

The title of this project comes from the story of Riley Anderson. Anderson was a carpenter and Baptist Minister at Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Decatur, Georgia. He began working at Agnes Scott in the 1950s and was known for his prayers during the Christmas parties for administrative, dining, and facilities staff. Anderson would sing and pray for every person on campus by name.

This story collection project is named in honor and recognition of Riley Anderson and so many others who have and continue to support the mission of Agnes Scott College through their dedication and personal approach to their work. We aim to bring forth the stories of those who have and continue to build this college.

A Full and Rich Measure: 100 Years of Educating Women at Agnes Scott College, 1889-1989, by M. Lee Sayrs and Christine S. Cozzens, 1990
Oral history interview with C. Benton Kline (faculty), conducted on July 15, 1988, by Allison Adams ‘1989

Main Hall


Engage with the Project

Explore what we have so far on the map below and keep an eye out for more to come!

If you’re interested in sharing your stories or know someone we should talk to, email Neeraja Panchapakesan ’15 at

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